What to do with the Christmas presents you don't like?
Christmas is done, you've unwrapped all of your gifts, probably drank way too much bubbly and ate too much ham, and you have finally gotten around to realising that half of what was gifted to you, doesn't quite delight you as much as you once thought (probably because you were knee-deep in Champagne).
Whether it be the Balenciaga bag your Mother-in-Law gave you that you just cannot see yourself wearing out at your 9-5 "WFH" job, or a Louis Vuitton purchased from your husband (thank you, hubby!) that isn't quite you, you don't want to see a stunning designer be shoved away, never to be seen (let alone worn) again in your cupboard. But, just because an item doesn't work for you, doesn't mean you can't turn it in for another beautiful designer treasure either!
Here is a short list of options to resell, exchange & swap your designers bags:
Resell them on eBay/ Facebook marketplace
A couple of the more famous options to resell your goods would be to jump on Facebook Marketplace or eBay, right? At least when you sell your gifted Michael Kors, aunty Sherrell who gifted them to you probably won't be able to trace you exchanging them for some extra cash! There is however a fair bit of admin when it comes to using these platforms, you will need to take the photos, create the descriptions, answer to the people who have shown interest in your product, and also be aware that there really is no safety for you or the buyer when it comes down to the product and its legitimacy - how can you prove that the designer bag you are selling, is actually real??
Exchange your designer number
Of course, if your friend had in mind that you might not be 100 % as into the gift as she was buying it for you, then you might be one of the lucky ones who have a cheeky receipt at the bottom of your gift bag and can go and exchange it for something more YOU. Maybe the designer bag you had been dreaming of wasn't exactly what you received, maybe the style isn't you, possibly you just aren't into big brand logos being shown off on your bag? Whatever the reason, lucky for you, you can simply exchange for something else. Keep in mind, however, there will most likely be a price difference, or if you are someone who is always "going to get around to it" with exchanging bits and bops, then the designer bag will just end up taking the dust on your dressing table.
Re-gift it
The easiest option - but this one comes with a risk! What are your aunty Mariah and your co-worker Lea going to do when all of a sudden they meet up and become Champagne buddies, and the stunning Lancel bag that was gifted to you from Mariah was now being worn by your co-worker, Lea? Now, that is a recipe for an awkward night out!
Send it to us at Revoir!
You read correctly, we take the hassle out of reselling. You have nothing to do except fill out our quick form and send us your product for free! This means that you get to buy another gift you'd like more with the money you'll get back. You will be doing the next Revoir darling a huge one when they realise their new favourite designer bag is in stock at an affordable price, and the one you wanted is looking perfect and packed up ready to go.
We offer the best return on the market and we make sure to sell your bag at the best price possible.